Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

New Computer Chip Pick Your Brain

IIBM announced a new computer chip design that mimics the human brain's ability to understand the environmental conditions, addressing the events around and handle complex data.

The chip is still in the testing phase does not require the type of programming as in computers over the years. This chip can be learned through everything that ever happened and make your own theories about the meaning of those experiences.

This chip-making is one step in a project called Synapse (Systems of neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics). Chips that appear in two prototype form is designed to

Will AMD Unleashes the FX-6200 3.8GHz CPU Bulldozer on December 26, 20 115.

AMD Bulldozer FX-6200 offers a total of six core processes and Haber Donanim comes with 3.8 GHz clock speed. These processors will be able to dynamically adjust the speedof operation, depending on the number of running threads, with the addition of the turbo-core 2.0 that allows the processor to reach a top speed of 4.1GHz.

Note: Note on the AMD chip is written "Made in Malaysia "!!!! When ya Made in Indonesia?
The rest of the specific chip is pretty standard for a series of six-core FX chip, as 6MB ofL2 cache and 8 MB of L3 cache level, but increased to 125W TDP of 95W on theFX-6100.

This increase is likely due to an increase in frequency, but there is also the possibility that these issues be given to the needs of the production of  32nm AMD GLOBALFOUNDRIESis difficult to produce a decision for    the TDP to increase to ensure the chip easier to qualify.

The performance of the chip is concerned, the internal documents that the new chips from AMD Bulldozer FX-6100 FX-8150 and in the process of encoding video. This graph also shows Intel Core i5-2400 running applications, it is seen that the two processors havenearly the same performance when encoding video.

The price for this new chip is set at $ 175, which means that about $ 134, and then his rival AMD CPUs Intel Core i5-2400 a bit 'cheaper, selling for $ 184 to $ 195.

Information technology - History of Computers

Presper Eckert and John Mauchly cooperate Dr. WJ, Jr. .. to create a machine that can calculate trajectory tables for the U.S. Army. The final product is a computer operate deletronis large, fully completed in 1946, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator computer)named. ENIAC computer (shown here), faster than electricity and computers thousands of times before, marking a huge leap in computer technology. And weighing up to 30 tons15.000kaki square (1393.5 square meters) area of ​​the space required. The number ofhollow tubes and more than 18,000, the ENIAC computer, power supply, good jokesbesarnya.Suatu activated and should be called the ENIAC computer at the University of Pennsylvania Pls, light fillers Derufia go to town. Size and large electrical components andcan be widely applied, the ENIAC computer is considered as a function of the first electronic digital computer in general.