Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

New Computer Chip Pick Your Brain

IIBM announced a new computer chip design that mimics the human brain's ability to understand the environmental conditions, addressing the events around and handle complex data.

The chip is still in the testing phase does not require the type of programming as in computers over the years. This chip can be learned through everything that ever happened and make your own theories about the meaning of those experiences.

This chip-making is one step in a project called Synapse (Systems of neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics). Chips that appear in two prototype form is designed to
embody a new generation of computers, called "cognitive computer" with the ability to think, not just react based on the data programmed.

"Imagine the traffic light that could integrate sight, sound and smell and hazard warnings issued before the accident," says Dharmendra Modha, the project leader for IBM Research. "Or imagine a combination of cognitive processor that operates the servers, laptops, tablets and phones into the machine that is able to interact better with its surroundings. "

Through this chip, the researchers wanted to realize the dream of a computer system in which one is the ability to monitor the water supply of the world - measuring temperature, pressure, wave height - and then issue a warning if a tsunami will occur. Another capability that is expected as this could be a sensor chip that can be used by shop owners to read the signs, smell and temperature and issued a warning if a product will decompose.

"Computers are now more like a calculator," said Modha. "We wanted to make something more like a brain. This is a major breakthrough."

One of the two chip has 262 144 synapses that can be programmed, while the other one containing 65,536 synapses learning. Today, with this chip brain aspired IBM researchers are still a "wall of the brain" because of their large size. In the future they will make the chip size of 1 cm square that contains 1 million neurons and 10 billion synapses.

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